Join us for some special treats and bring one to share. We will have baskets at each table for you to put the treats in for lunch time. April18th
Birthday Day
Please join us for Birthday Day April 16th at noon. We have a special table all set up for April Birthdays.
Volunteer Appreciation Day
Join us for rolls and coffee April 15th at 9:30. We will have a special presentation at lunch and cake. Thank you for all you do!
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Bring your favorite treat with either peanut butter or jelly in it to share through out the day. Thank you for your support. April 2nd
April Fool’s Day
Come and tell a joke at noon and get a treat – April 1st
National Agricultural Day
March 25th – Our speaker is Michael Lechner and students from the college Ag Program about future farming and going green at 12:20.
St. Patrick’s Day
March 17th – Dr. Finnessy will be speaking about Deep Vein Thrombosis at 12:20. Don’t forget to wear your green for a treat. We don’t want anyone to get pinched!
Women’s History Month
We will celebrate Women’s History on March 20th. Ali Abler – Elkhorn Valley Museum will speak on Women’s History in Nebraska at 12:20
Quilting Day
Bring in your favorite quilt to show everyone. Helen Anderson will be our speaker at 12:20 on March 12th.