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Billiard Room
- Open during regular center hours (8 ball pool)
Cards/ Games
- Pitch (Monday – Friday) 1:10pm
- Pinochle (Monday, Thursday, Friday) 1:10pm
- Cribbage (Tuesday, Wednesday) 1:10pm
- Dominoes (Friday) 1:10pm
Congregate Meals
- Suggested donation for people 60+
- A set charge for those under 60 and children
- Everyone welcome
- Well-balanced and healthy meals
- Served Monday – Friday
- Scheduled dance 1st Tuesday each month
- Line Dancing (Monday & Wednesday Afternoons)
- Sit Down & Aerobic Exercise (Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday mornings) – Walking Exercise, Qigong
- Tai Chi (Tuesday/Thursday Morning & Afternoon)
- FROG (Tuesday, Thursday afternoon)
- Thursday Evening Bingo
- Flea Market
- Facility Rental
Gift Shop
- Good selection of cards and gifts for all occasions. Stainless steel cutlery, etc.
Meals on Wheels
- Home delivered meals for participants 60 and older who are home bound and physically or mentally unable to prepare their own meals.
- Area Bands
- NSCC Participants
- Educational, Social, and Health related programs monthly
- Special events throughout the year
Building Rentals
- The Senior Center may be rented for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, wedding receptions, etc.